Looking back to apply this rule to past relationships was eye-opening and so much disappointment and heartache could have been avoided. Don’t get me wrong, some amazing relationships with great guys who simply didn’t have a lot in common with me was the by-product of letting things linger. The 3 strikes rule is to get clear on the not so good ones quickly to make room for someone great. To protect the privacy of guys who clearly do not fall into that category, I’m going to assign them random nicknames so to illustrate my point.
Next let’s move onto the sports guy who had excellent taste in restaurants yet he spent more time with his buddies than with me. What he did right was he planned dates, made reservations, dressed appropriately for the occasion and he picked me up for the date even if it meant he had to backtrack to do so. Here is where he struck out; strike one was for being an hour late even after I told him that was unacceptable. I explained it’s better to cancel plans since I didn’t want to spend what little free time I had waiting, I felt like he took my time for-granted. Strike two was for spending more weekends playing golf with his buddies or going to tournaments. If that’s what he wanted to do with his time, then he should be single. Strike three was for when the engine on my car blew on the freeway and he wasn’t the one who came to pick me up. This was when I realized, wow if I can’t rely on him to be my protector then it’s time to move on. This lasted about eight months but probably should have ended after about six weeks with the three strikes rule.
Photo credit: sunsurfr
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