Do you ever find you’re too busy for hobbies? Or that your hobbies resemble work because it’s something you love except you never step away from the computer? Over the last year, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and realized I didn’t have hobbies. Blogging, building websites and going through tutorials aren’t hobbies, they are passions because I love to do them.
I couldn’t answer, “what are your hobbies?” because I didn’t know. Besides reading, sleeping, and working out, I had no idea what I liked to do because it was so easy to focus on being busy getting things done. I stopped trying to fit in passion projects when it was family time and I needed to find non-tech hobbies to give my brain a break so I could recharge and be creative. The best ideas come while I’m driving or in the shower. These are times when I’m singing (badly) and not doing anything tech related. To record these ideas I usually use the audio note in Evernote.
I recently discovered adult coloring books and hand lettering. I’m terrible at both except it’s so relaxing because my hands can be busy while watching TV. Now I can relax without constantly scrolling through some social media site.
When I’m at my apartment, mainly to do laundry, I put a load in the washer then meal prep lunches. After the laundry goes into the dryer, I hear to the pool with the coloring book and colored pencils. The pool is so beautiful, it’s like being in vacation on a weekday.
What are your hobbies? What do you do to recharge? Let me know in the comments or let me know which adult coloring books you like. I currently have Prisma colored pencils, let me know if there is another type which lays down bold pops of color.
What are your thoughts?